Tuesday, March 31, 2015

A Grateful 6 Months

March 30 = 6 Months Post Transplant

I can't even begin to describe my emotions today. First off, I wanted to express again my pure joy and appreciation to all of you who have supported and loved me and my family over these months. I am continually overwhelmed by our family and friends and want you to know that I am grateful for every thought and prayer.

March has been a very busy month and I promise I am going to get better about posting more often, but I wanted to update everyone on my medical status. I still travel back and forth to Houston quite often for an antibiotic breathing treatment, lab work and check ups. My last visit was extremely positive and I am blessed to say that I will not be needing another biopsy of my heart until at least the 1 year mark. My results from each biopsy have shown "0" on the rejection markers which is perfect and Dr. Bogaev does not see any reason to continue regular biopsies unless I show any symptoms. Please continue to pray that I do not begin to show any symptoms. Also, after a follow up with Dr. Bogaev, I am starting to wean off several of my medications which is also great news. My body responds easily to the medicine and she doesn't believe I will need all that I am currently taking. I am now down to 7. It still sounds like a lot, but compared to other transplant patients it is rare to be on so few. 

Praise God!

Earlier this month I was honored to be asked to help the Texas Heart Institute(THI) in Heart Disease Awareness. I met with 12 other ladies who have either been diagnosed with different forms of Heart Disease or have received a Heart Transplant like myself. The goal of this forum was to help WomenHeart, which is the National Coalition for Women with Heart Disease, strategize how they can create national awareness on heart disease. It is the #1 cause of death in women and you don't hear about it as often as other types of illnesses. The Texas Heart Institute was one of two facilities asked to take part in this research program and it was extremely enlightening to hear different stories and experiences. The research report will be sent to Capitol Hill later this year. How cool is that? It truly makes you feel like you are giving back and even though I spent only a few hours with these ladies I feel like we all share a special bond and I thank them for helping as well.

Also, the Texas Heart Institute asked if I would share my story on video to help with their direct education and awareness. Apparently, I was pretty chatty and for those of you who know me well it is probably true. One good thing about being long winded though for THI is that they were able to produce several videos to use on their website about my story and about organ donation from a recipient's perspective. I am here today because of an extremely generous person and I will continue to share how grateful I am and how important organ donation is. I had a blast working with the THI crew and thank them for the opportunity to be a part of their team. I provided the link below to the first video which just went live yesterday on their website and also youtube.

Finally, 6 months means that I can write a letter to my donor's family and thank them for the incredible gift. I have spent so many hours thinking about what I am going to write because there is so much that I want to say, but instead of writing and editing over and over I think I will let God take this one and just start with a pen and paper. Pray for my message to be received by this family with peace and gratitude for their loss and that they will want to respond. If not, I completely understand, but I would love the opportunity to maybe one day speak with them or even meet them.

Praise God continually for His Miracles! I know without a Doubt I have received multiple!


P.S. Below are a few recent pictures!

I finally met Dr. Hari Mallidi, who performed my Heart Transplant

Just Because he is so stinking cute

First Aggie Baseball Game with Uncle Clint

Mardi Gras Fun Run 5K
(I walked close to half which is the longest so far)

I love bluebonnets

And so does Carter

Saturday, February 21, 2015

A Month of Reflection and Fun

The month of February has been full of exciting times and emotions. February 2nd marked the anniversary to the beginning of the craziest year of my life. It was an emotional day for me and my family as we remembered our time in Lakeway Hospital. We found out I was back in Heart Failure one day and the next was the birth of our perfect son, Carter. It was the longest 24 hours to say the least.

We celebrated Carter 's 1st birthday with a small "forest friends" party with family and friends here in New Braunfels. It was so fun to see Carter interact with other kids since he hasn't been around them very much due to my low immune system. I hate that we have to be so careful with him right now because of me, but I know that it will not be much longer. Carter did not enjoy his cake very much and was quite upset that his hands were dirty with icing which is interesting because he likes to eat dirt and leaves. Oh well, at least he is building his immune system that way. Once he was cleaned up he enjoyed opening his presents and pulling all of the tissue paper out of the bags. Kevin is convinced that all Carter needs is paper and cardboard boxes to play with instead of toys since that is what he gravitated too, but he soon learned what the toys were all about. Thank you again to those of you who celebrated with us.

On Friday, February 6th I was invited to speak at the Love Your Heart (http://www.loveyourheart.net) luncheon here in New Braunfels. This was a big day for me because it was the first time I shared my story in public. I felt like I was mentally and emotionally prepared, but when I walked onto the stage in front of close to 700 ladies I had to take a few moments to catch my breath. It gave me such a peace to look over and see all of my Team Kayde tables there to support me. You all hold such a special place in my life. As I told the audience, 5 years ago I would have never dreamed I would be where I am today. It was such an honor to share my miracle and praise God for his incredible blessings in my life including friends, family, doctors and the wonderful community sitting in front of me. I don't remember more than half of the words that came out of my mouth, but I know that God was standing there with me and giving me the strength to get through my story with only a few tears. I hope that my story touched the lives of those ladies by either educating them on heart disease and becoming an organ donor or in their spiritual faith. Either one would be perfectly fine with me. I hope I will be given the opportunity again sometime in the future. 

I also want to update you on my recovery. Dr. Bogaev performed a biopsy on my heart on February 13th and the results came back with a "0" for rejection which is a perfect score. This means that it will be several months before she will perform the procedure again. What a blessing! I continue to take my assortment of prescriptions daily and am regaining physical strength every day. I began working with a personal trainer who has background in Cardiac Rehab in January and can see the difference already. I have no problem picking up Carter these days and taking care of him by myself which truly hasn't happened since his birth. It feels great to be "Mommy" again and I cherish every moment. Thank you for the continued thoughts and prayers for Kevin, Carter, Myself and my Amazing Family. 

God is So Good!!

Prayer Request : Please pray for a lady we have befriended named Claire. She is currently waiting on a donor for a heart and both lungs and is in desperate need of our prayer warriors. Claire is from College Station and a Mom to a sweet 12 year old girl. I will keep you updated.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Our first family pictures

Carter's visit during a hospital stay in June

My brothers the first day in St. Luke's

Dr. Denton Cooley

Carter's visit in St. Luke's before my Heart Transplan

Dr. Bogaev on her first day back at St Lukes

Dr Bogaev telling me we had a Match

First day post transplant

First time out of bed post transplant

Dr Bogaev giving me "0" rejection results
Carter's first visit after transplant

The Weeks in Houston (Clint's Updates)

Many people have been asking about the my time in Houston for the Heart Transplant and I thought that the best way to share those crazy weeks is through my brother Clint's updates to our family and friends. I will warn you that this is a long entry and I will do my best to give my perspective in the near future. 


On our way to Houston. Kayde will be admitted to the hospital today, and most likely be there until a heart becomes available. PLEASE PRAY. Kayde is much stronger than the rest of us, but it is all starting to become very real. You can only prepare so much, From the beginning to the end, it's all in God's hands. We can't imagine this journey without him. Thank you all. We Love You. Pray Hard.


Kayde was admitted to her room at St. Luke's (temporary home) last around 1:00 AM. Kevin, Chas, my parents, and I are all with her this morning, but I am not sure how long they will allow her to have this much company. Kayde is doing well! She is much more comfortable being here. Dr. Simpson excitedly told her to ship her LifeVest (external defibrillator) back to the company. Also her constant IV drip in her arm has come to an end. Kayde will be in this room until she gets a heart, so it truly is her temporary home. 

Thanks for all the prayers.


Kayde had a rough night after having a small procedure done late Friday and a long Saturday, but is back to herself today. She is SO strong. Kevin's parents, sister, and brother-in-law we able to come see her today, and brought Kayde's best medicine(Carter) with them. He took a nap on her bed and got to hang out with mommy for a couple of hours. As you all continue to pray for Kayde, please also pray that Mom maintains the strength that she has had thus far. For the next few months, Mom will be taking care of Kayde and living by herself about half of each week while Dad, Kevin, and I go back and forth.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares The Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." -Jeremiah 29:11


Today has been a good day! Dr. Cooley, who founded the Texas Heart Institute and was one of the first in in the transplant game, came by to see Kayde. He is 94 years old and is bound to a wheel chair now, but was the first person Kayde saw this morning. Some people have asked to see Kayde. If you are planning on seeing her, please check with her or Mom first. Some days are better than others as you all can imagine, and she would prefer to be having a good day when she sees you. 

One thing Kayde and I, and many of you, have had branded in our minds is "God is good, All the time." Im sure a lot of you read that in true T Bar M fashion. It is so true, and we can not wait to see what good is going to come out of this whole process.


Kayde is running away...with a lot of hearts...the staff's hearts. Every nurse, doctor, or transplant coordinator that has had any contact with her has quickly realized how special she is. 

Sorry that I haven't updated anyone in a few days. Dad and I got here Thursday evening and spent a few hours hanging out in her room. Kevin, Chas, and Mom were already here, so we were almost complete. Kayde asked me to stay with her Thursday night, and we pretended we were "camping" because she can't shower, its never completely quiet, and the last time I stayed with her was back in May while she was still living in Austin. Kevin's parents brought Carter to the hospital around noon yesterday to complete the family. Carter is staying with us in Houston this weekend, so we are visiting Kayde in shifts, while taking Carter back and forth to the apartment during his and Kayde's nap time. 

Everything is still going very well as far as her hospitalization goes. The medical team has gotten her back to her normal self as far as feeling good, her personality, and most importantly to her, her appetite. Dr. Bogaev is back!!! Her and Dr. Simpson will be tag teaming Kayde's stay here, and we couldn't ask for a better pair. Kayde's room is now decorated and has a more "home-y" feel to it than any hospital room in the history of hospitals. Her walls are littered with pictures of Carter, Kevin, our immediate family, and our closest family and friends, and as you all know, "our closest family and friends" is actually somewhere close to a few hundred people. I gave her the TEAM KAYDE photo album and as you can imagine, it started a waterfall of tears. Several people have sent goodie bags, snacks and treats, and comforting decorations. Kayde, our family, every visitor, and ALL of the staff have enjoyed the goodies! Keep sending them! The smallest things put a smile on Kayde's face, and that lights up the entire hospital.

Kayde just got back from a walk with her nurse, and kept going for nearly 30 minutes and we are watching the Aggies destroy SMU! Mom and Dad are about to bring Carter back to the hospital, and the Albrechts are on their way to visit, so I'm sure we will all be sore from laughing by the time we call it a day.

Please keep praying that THE RIGHT HEART becomes available. Her doctors have turned down a few since she has been here, and only because she is perfectly stable and in good health minus her heart, so we are not in a huge hurry to take just anything. Her head coordinator said it best, "We don't want to give you a car off a random used car lot, we want to give you the Certified Pre-Owned." So as you all support Kayde from near and far, pray that the most perfectly matched heart will come available, and that the Donor family will understand how great of a gift that they are offering to an extremely thankful and deserving patient. Kayde is staying strong as you all can imagine, and it is easy to be strong while we are with her. Every time we leave, the emotions hit us, so please also pray that we will have the strength to push through the times that we can not be with her. 


Please pray. The heart failure is starting to take a toll even under the intensified medication and constant supervision. Pray that God will give needed wisdom to the doctors, and that they will use the knowledge he has given them to make all of the right calls. Pray that the right heart will become available for Kayde. I know that Kayde means as much to many of you as she does to me, so I ask that you please take the time to ask for God's protections and mercy in her favor. Whatever the road may be, please pray that God carries her down it as delicately as possible. Please pray that Kayde's body is receptive to the Doctors' actions. Please pray that God will instill his wisdom in these doctors. Pray for strength and peace for Kayde. Pray for strength and understanding for Mom, Dad, and Kevin who are there with her. Please pray that God will make the right heart available for Kayde in a timely manner to keep from having to perform other procedures that can negatively affect the transplant process. Everything will happen in God's perfect timing, we hold faithful to that. 

Please understand that this will most likely not be a good time to visit Kayde. Kayde and all of us have greatly appreciated everyone who has taken the time to see her. We greatly appreciated all of the blankets, pictures, verses, phrases, snacks, and well wishes. ALL OF YOU mean so much to us. I can not imagine this trying journey without the amazing friends and family that surround us. I do not know how someone could manage to experience any of this without God's love and comfort, and without the understanding that he ultimately has everything under control.

Because he loves me, I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.” Psalm 91:14-16


We need as much prayer now as we ever have. Kayde has had a pretty rough weekend, and it doesn't seem to be letting up. The heart failure is raring its ugly head. Her heart is not performing like it needs to to take care of the rest of her body. The last 5 days or so, Kayde has been experiencing the same symptoms that led her into the hospital (nausea, lack of appetite, weakness). Sunday morning, Dr. Bogaev changed her medicines a little bit to see if she could counter the symptoms. Sunday evening Dr. Simpson did a procedure to move her Swan catheter from the left side of her neck to the right. Kayde experienced a low fever last night, and also this morning. They are going to run a couple of tests this morning, and try to turn things around. If they can't get things turned around, they will have to take more serious action, which could mean that they will have to put a pump in to correct the output of her heart, so that the rest of her body is not affected by the lack of good, oxygenated blood to her other organs. 

9.30.14 (Early Morning)

As most of you now know, Kayde is not doing very well. She is nauseous almost all of the time and has no appetite. The fever that she had Sunday night has not shown up again, but the symptoms from heart failure are very evident. We need a heart NOW. She did show some signs of improvement yesterday, so they have put off the procedures that they were considering. Unless she shows miraculous signs of improvement today, or a heart becomes available, those procedures will most likely be in the very near future, and will greatly prolong the long term goal. She got a much better night of rest last night than the last few, but she is still tired, weak, and nauseous. We should know more of a game plan this morning after the doctors consultation, and I will keep you all updated. 

Pray for a heart to come available very soon.

(Late Morning)

We have a Heart... They are sending a team to confirm it. More details to come.


This morning, Dr. Boagev came into Kayde's room and was informing us that we were out of time, and that we need to have a pump implanted in her heart so that the rest of her body would be supplied with good oxygenated blood. About 20 minutes into the discussion, she got a call from her partner, Dr. Simpson. Simpson informed her that a heart has come available, but that there were 83 people on the list ahead of her. We continued the conversation about the pump and each of us we're getting very emotional. Dr. Simpson called Bogaev again and informed her that the heart that had come available was turned down by all others ahead of Kayde on the list, so Bogaev went downstairs to look at the statistics and specifics for herself. She came back teary eyed and let us know that this heart looked to be perfect and all that needed to be done was to "accept" the heart. Obviously we ACCEPTED! The Texas Heart Institute sent their team to wherever the donor was, and just got back to us around 3:30 that we got the "All Good" from the donor location. Kayde is now getting prepped for surgery, and the OR staff should be coming to get her at any moment.

What we ask now is that you all pray for the wisdom of the doctors and surgeons. PLEASE also pray for the donors family. Pray that they know our Lord and have full faith that he will put their amazing gift to good use. If they don't know The Lord, please pray that through this, they will come to know him, and at some point that they will allow Kayde to meet them. 

I have to wrap this up because they are in Kayde's room right now to take her to OR.


The Heart is In. It's Pumping. It's Kayde's. Keep the Prayers coming. It is not completely over yet.


Wow, it has been a long day. Around 3:30 yesterday afternoon, the surgeons who flew to the donor location gave us the go-ahead for surgery. The anesthesiologist and OR staff came to prep Kayde, and get her ready. Right at 4:00, we started making our way to the surgical floor. We were extremely happy to have all of the Campbell's and Wolf's there with Kayde as we walked with the team to the OR. We said our Good Luck's and I Love You's just outside the doors before they wheeled her in. As you all know, Kayde is much stronger than the rest of us...We went back upstairs, to the room that Kayde has called home for the last few weeks, and removed the pictures, decorations, stuffed animals, balloons, and all kinds of things that you all have sent. The entire staff was shocked whenever they would walk in her room, I guess because they don't normally see the unexplainable amount of support that our Kayde has around her. So we took everything out of the room, and will either put it up once she is in a normal room again or decorate the apartment for when she goes to that temporary home. A surgical liaison walked us to the waiting room, and I believe we were a little intimidating, and possibly a little noisy for others that were waiting, but what can you expect? Before long, friends and family poured into the waiting room, and tears poured. We have been SO overwhelmed by the amount of Love and Support from the get-go, and today was no different. Around 6:15, Mom happened to be in the hall as the surgeon who went to retrieve the donor heart came around the corner with a cooler, and calmly gave her a thumbs up and continued into OR. By 6:45, we were informed by the liaison that Kayde's extremely sick and worn-out heart had been removed, and the new heart was being placed. Somewhere between 8:15 and 8:45, we were told that the new heart was placed, beating, pumping, and functioning all together much better than hers had in a very long time. At 9:20, the head surgeon came to talk to the family, and informed us that everything was going very well, and that they were monitoring everything, and making positive that all was good before she would be closed up and prepped for recovery...Mom, Dad, Kevin, Chas, and I were asked to join Dr. Bogaev in the Recovery ICU and see our beautiful Kayde with her new heart. Each of us got to hold her hand, kiss her cheek, and tell her how much we loved her. She looked amazing. Her face, arms, and legs were full of color like that haven't been for a good while. Her feet and hands were warm to hold. She was sleeping, but seemed more peaceful than she has been in months. Many of you have seen the way her whole torso beats with her heart...That is no longer the case. You have to look for her heart beat, or feel her pulse. It has been a long time since I have seen her look so good, and this is only the beginning. Tonight and tomorrow should tell nearly everything. Dr. Bogaev is planning on fast tracking her progress because of how well the surgery went, and believes that she will be able to move to a normal recovery room at some point tomorrow. Though it is all tentative, for the surgeon and Dr. Bogaev to feel so good about everything is such a relief. Dr. Bogaev looked us in the eyes and said, "This is the perfect heart for Kayde. It is such a good heart." With that, we thank the Good Lord who at the right time, offered us the greatest gift imaginable. We thank donor for their incredible gift. We thank the donor family, who in a time of grief and loss, were able to give what may to them have seemed unneeded, but to us was so beautiful. We pray that the donor family knows The Lord and has a relationship with him that goes deep enough to realize that their loss have given life. If they don't know Our God, we pray that somehow, through this, they will see his incredible love for EVERYONE. So many lives are touched through this heart, it goes much deeper than a donor and a recipient.

I ask that everyone keep their praying knees. Pray for a speedy, thorough recovery. Pray that Kayde will be full of life. Pray that each and every person that will be with her in the coming weeks and months will have the strength to be the Kayde's rock that she has always been for us. 

I will keep everyone as well updated as I can, but please be patient with me. It takes more than you could imagine for me to get through one of these emails.


What a beautiful day. Another beautiful day that God has given us to spend with each other. Kayde has a window that looks out over the street in front of the hospital, and has a tree blowing in the wind. The simple things mean SO much. As I walked to her bed this morning, I noticed that it was empty. It was empty because Kayde had gotten up out of her bed, and was sitting in a chair by the window. When Kayde came out of surgery 36 hours ago, I never imagined how well she would take on the challenge ahead of her. SHE LOOKS LIKE A MILLION BUCKS. Kayde is kicking heart failure's butt!!! As we have been sitting, and waiting, and praying the last few days, we have had the incredible support of Mom's parents, several of our family friends from New Braunfels, extended family from all over Texas, and some very sweet people who are on the surgery floor and have their own worries, but at the same time are incredibly excited for Kayde and our family. We have SEVERAL new TEAM KAYDE members with heartbands and everything! So many of you have sent me scripture, or motivational quotes, and one of my favorites came from Carol, a lady that makes my job a piece of cake, and keep our company moving,

"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about mu weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong." -2Corinthians 12:9

This week has solidified our faith more than anyone could ever imagine. We have asked several times, "How could someone not see God in this? How could something so beautifully timed and such a perfect match happen without Him?" I stick to that. I truly believe that so many people have and will be touched by God through this. Doctors, surgeons, nurses, other waiting room visitors, our family, friends, and many people that have just caught a glimpse of what has taken place this week, have said, "Isn't it amazing what can be done through God?" 

We give all of the praise and glory to Him. We can't accomplish anything outside of His will and His perfect timing. We thank the donor family for their beautiful gift. We pray that they know Our God. 

Please continue to pray for Kayde's recovery, the strength of our family to support her, the wisdom and knowledge of the doctors, and that anyone we may come in contact with can see God's beauty and grace through us and this adventure that we are on. We are one, in Him, and that can not be broken.


Most of you have probably not heard, and it is nothing to fret over, but Kayde did have surgery last night on her arm. There was a blood clot that had placed itself in the vein, so that it was blocking circulation. The vascular surgeon went in, removed it, and said that it was a piece of cake. We didn't want to worry anyone, because it was not a major issue. We will experience "hiccups" along this road, and they are things that are just going to happen, and all it is is a hiccup. 

On another note, everything is going great with the heart transplant. Kayde is getting frustrated because there are several different doctors that are trying to call the shots, and change up medications, and it is very overwhelming for someone who knows every prescription, every dosage, and what EXACTLY that medication is for. All seems to be going well, Kayde is just frustrated with all of the other "distractions" that have come alongside the transplant. 

Another note: Many of you have heard us talk about Ally, the Bionic Bride. She is another aggie that has gone through a very similar situation as Kayde. She was a freshman at A&M when this all started, later she got the pump implanted in her heart that was to be implanted in Kayde until we got the call for a heart. While she had the implanted pump, she got married, which gave her the title "Bionic Bride." Afterwards, she did get a heart transplant, and things were going well. She is now 26, and on the same floor as Kayde is. Kayde is recovering from transplant, and Ally is waiting for her second. The love, support, and prayer that we have experienced has been SO overwhelming, and we wouldn't trade it for the world. What I ask is that as you all pray for Kayde, and her road to recovery, please also pray for others who are waiting for transplants. Especially sweet Ally. The two surgeries that Kayde has had, including her transplant, as soon as word got around, it also got to Ally, and even through her own disappointing and trying journey, she has been very encouraging to Kayde, and has even sent a nurse to give Kayde one of her personal surgery caps to wear during surgery. Please pray for this sweet Aggie heart. We can not imagine the struggle she is going through. How little it makes ours seem. Ally is a trooper, and by God's great grace, she will get through this, but I just bet you it wouldn't hurt for God to hear all of the prayers sent up for Kayde again, but instead, for Ally. Please join us in praying for her.

As long as everything stays on the course we are on, Dad and I will come home tomorrow(Sunday) night, and do what we can to have a "normal" week, and take care of the matters at home. Those of you who have volunteered to have meals prepared for us at home, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. It is unnecessary, but it sure does make getting to the next time we get to be with Kayde that much easier. If anything is to change between now and Sunday night, we will let you all know ASAP.

I want everyone to know that they have all of our permission to send these emails to absolutely whoever you would like. There is NO REASON that anyone would be offended or disagree with me in saying that this needs to reach the masses.

Thank you all for the incredible FAMILY that we have. Please continue to send up prayers for Kayde, Ally, and whoever else may need the extra God time. Lord knows there are SO many people who need as much support as Kayde has received, and don't always get the same. Not that they don't have their support teams, but I find it hard to imagine that many compare to TEAM KAYDE.


Today is a GREAT day! I nearly wet my pants when I saw the attached picture. Let me start off by catching you all up on the last 4 or 5 days...Saturday morning, Kayde had a sonogram done on her chest, she was in quite a bit of pain from the blood clot removal surgery, and she still just felt "Out of it." Sunday came around, and right out of the gate, a pair of surgeons came into Kayde's room, and informed us that the sonogram had shown quite a bit of fluid build up in the pericardium cavity around her heart, and that they would have to go into surgery yet again to do a procedure called a "Pericardium Window," where they cut into that cavity and allow the fluid to drain to her general chest cavity where her body would absorb it, or it would make it's way out of the drain tubes between her chest and abdomen. Everything went very well. What didn't go well was the surgical team's scheduling. When we found out about Kayde's surgery on Friday, they told her they were coming to get her at 9AM after being NPO since midnight. They didn't come get her until 6:30ish. Sunday, they promised that they wouldn't let that happen again for her surgery on Monday. It happened again. So, not only was Kayde totally anxious, she also had gone 2 of her first 5 days of having an appetite without being able to eat anything. Not being able to eat anything, which consequently kept her from being able to take the pain meds that needed to be taken to keep her comfortable. Kayde doesn't do very well with medication on an empty stomach, and that made her twice as anxious. 

I think we have gotten past the point of most "hiccups." Today Dad sent a text message to me around 12:45, and let me know that they had removed all remaining drain tubes and catheter. They were in the process of moving her to the 12th floor of the tower building of St. Lukes, which is the transplant recovery unit. Kayde will be surrounded by other people in similar situations which I see being an incredible opportunity. Just imagine our Kayde being able to be a motivator for all of the other patients. I also hope that there will be people around her that will encourage her to keep being the fighter that she has been up to this point. As rough as everything has been, Kayde has only gotten down and upset once, and that was after all of the stress of Friday thru Monday had built and built, and the surgical recovery team told her she couldn't go back to her room. It was miserable to see her so upset. Through this entire journey, Kayde has been the one telling me that everything would be fine, and Monday was the first time that the roles were switched. It broke my heart that as soon as I walked out of recovery, I had to come back to New Braunfels when my heart and mind weren't leaving the hospital. 

Enough of that. Everything seems to be going well! We are all very excited to see what God has in store for the next several weeks, months, and forevermore. It should be a very positive opportunity to reach out to everyone that has been touched by this experience of ours. Kayde will be able to continue touching SO MANY lives.

Thank you all for the support up to this point, and thank you for your continued love, prayer, and support. All of you mean so much to me and the rest of the Campbell's and Wolf's. When I say that we couldn't do it without you, I hope you understand that I mean that with the deepest sincerity. 


Still praising God every minute of every day! Kayde is continuing to do very well! She has moved to her final room at St Lukes where she will continue to recover with Physical Therapy and Education! Yes, Education! Along with this Gift comes the necessity to learn how to "Live" with a suppressed immune system! Not a mountain, just a little hill! I'm pretty sure we'll be able to figure it out! Carter got to visit today for the first time since "T" Day! 

We love you all and are still completely overwhelmed by your kindness!


Right now, Kevin, Mom, Dad, and I are sitting in the living room of our Houston apartment with KAYDE AND CARTER!!! Kayde was released from the hospital yesterday afternoon, and Kevin brought her to the apartment around 7 or so. Dad and I got into town around 9:00 and sat around and visited with our hero, Kayde, for a couple of hours before everyone went to bed. For the first time in about 5 weeks, Kayde got to sleep in a non-hospital bed. This morning, Kevin's parents brought Carter to town, and spent a few hours with all of us before heading home. This afternoon, we were all pooped, and took naps, amazing naps, while Dad took Mom to run a couple of errands. Sleep is not something that any of us have had a lot of in the last month or so. Kayde is really doing amazing! She is walking around on her own, and some times with the help of her new friend Lucy. Lucy is a walker to help her get around, but she really doesn't seem to need it much. It is such a blessing to be able to spend time with Kayde outside of a hospital. It's amazing how much we take for granted the comfort of a home, even if it is a temporary apartment. I'm assuming that we will be watching a lot of HGTV in the next couple of days, and that is perfectly fine with me, because that is what Kayde wants to do. We will go on a walk this evening after dinner, and I'm sure several more before the weekend is over. Kayde, and Carter, LOVE being outside. Another small thing that we all take for granted. 

Kayde seemed to have a little bit of anxiety last night when it finally hit her that she was no longer under 24/7 care of the Texas Heart Institute. Just like everything in the last month, God makes himself perfectly evident. This morning, Dad and Kayde were relaxing in bed a little later than normal, and read exactly what they needed to read in "Jesus Calling",

"Anxiety is a result of envisioning the future without Me. So the best defense against worry is staying in communication with Me. When you turn your thoughts toward Me, you can think much more positively. Remember to listen, as well as to speak, making your thoughts a dialogue with Me.
If you must consider upcoming events, follow these rules: 1) Do not linger in the future, because anxieties sprout up like mushrooms when you wander there. 2) Remember the promise of My continual Presence; include Me in any imagery that comes to mind. This mental discipline does not come easily, because you are accustomed to being god of your fantasies. However, the reality of My Presence with you, now and forevermore, outshines any fantasy you could ever imagine."

From our amazing family and friends, and brothers and sisters in Christ, to the thousands of people who have never met Kayde, we have been constantly overwhelmed by the love, support, and prayer that flows over and around us. You all have been such a huge part of Kayde's heart journey. I can not begin to explain how important it has been to Kayde, and all of our families. The overwhelming support has gone even further than you all know. The doctors, nurses, other patients, and many many more have all seen your love through us. Ally also has been told how all of TEAM KAYDE is praying for her as well, and knows how important that support is for the entire process of waiting.

More emails will follow, but if it takes a while, just know that 'No news is good news'.


Ok, where to begin. As you know, we had a little bit of a scare last week, which ended up being a huge blessing. I'll go a little more in depth than the last email. From the first weekly biopsy to the third, there was one number that they look at for rejection that was coming up positive, but all others were right on track.

Kayde texted Dr. Bogaev the night she had the flutters, and she advised her to grab a banana because she may have been low on potassium. Kayde still felt the same after trying the banana, and decided to go ahead and go in to the hospital, and let them run a blood test to just be on the safe side. She had her first biopsy since being out of the hospital the next morning, so they decided to have Kayde admitted just for her peace of mind. She would have had to be back in 6 hours had they sent her home that night anyway. The next morning, they did the biopsy, as scheduled, and also a total blood panel just to check on EVERYTHING. The next morning, one of Kayde's doctors came in and let her know that the most important thing that they were considering to be a cause for the flutters was that they hadn't seen an antibody coming from the donor heart that didn't match Kayde's body. The first blood test had proven that this was NOT an issue. Kayde stayed in the hospital until Friday so that they could get all tests back before letting her leave. Dr. Bogaev was pretty convinced that the flutters were most likely tied to some sort of rejection. Needless to say, she was ECSTATIC to come in and give Kayde the news that she showed ZERO signs of rejection, including the number that had come back positive in all of the previous biopsies. 

As soon as they got the all clear, and Bogaev told her she could leave the hospital, Kayde basically demanded for someone to get Carter to Houston ASAP. As she should. Luckily, Kevin's sister, Stephanie, was at the ranch in Rockne visiting her parents. Her and her husband, Clint(out of Kevin's 3 brother-in-laws, 2 of us are named Clint), drove Carter to Houston, and lit up Kayde's world. Kayde has been talking about taking Carter to a pumpkin patch, for his first time, the last few weeks, and so they did! From what I heard, Carter wasn't very cooperative, but that sure doesn't show in the pictures! He is the greatest thing to ever come into our lives, and especially Kayde's. 

Throughout the last several months, I have tried to be as strong as possible, thinking that it would make everything easier on Kayde. There have been times that I have wondered "Why is this happening to someone as amazing of a person as Kayde?" I've quit asking that question. That question is so narrow-minded. God doesn't give us 4 by 6 pictures during our life time, its much bigger than that. His big picture is the size of the universe, and this is just a short speck in time. He has reason for everything, and I believe I have somewhat figured out what it is. Once I accepted that God has a reason for this and put full faith in him, a peace came over me. It was like he placed his hand on my shoulder and said "Don't worry, I've got this." Like a blanket of comfort. What I've realized is that this is our opportunity to bring Him glory. What has happened is a strengthening of the bond between God and all of us individually, and also, all of us as one body of believers. I never imagined the amount of people that would have a role in the process of heart failure and transplant. Each and every one of you have been amazing supporters, prayer warriors, care takers, and most importantly friends. Not only has God used this opportunity to heal and bless Kayde, but He has also used our experience to heal and bless many of you, and also people that are loosely tied to us, or don't even know our family. 

I never thought that in my lifetime, my blood, or myself would ever experience anything like this. I never wanted to endure this. I never wanted Kayde to endure this. I wouldn't wish it upon my greatest enemy. I never want to feel this way again, or have a loved one go through any of this. With that being said, I truly believe that who I am today has been transformed by this situation, and that is something that I would never take back. For that, I am thankful. With our little speck of faith in God's vast "Big Picture," and the faithfulness that he promises to us, he shows up BIG and does BIG things through us. 

It's been a rough road, and sometimes more like a roller coaster of frustration and uncertainty, but as it is now beginning to look up, I can't help but see the beauty in the whole situation. None of us ever dream that they will go through a situation like this, but look at all of the good that has happened because of the faith we have had through the entire process. That is beautiful, and that is something I wouldn't want to change for the world. 

You all mean so much to our family, Campbell's and Wolf's, and I say that from the bottom of my heart. I can not imagine this wild ride without each and everyone of you. I pray for the health and well-being of each and every one of you. I thank God every day for giving us such a wonderful group of friends/family to be our blanket of comfort. In the coming days and weeks, please pray for the healing that Kayde needs as she begins rehab and physical therapy. She is weak from being down for the last few months, and it doesn't help that she has always been so small to begin with. However, I know that with the ongoing support and prayer, she will continue to have an incredible recovery. 


We have had several calls and emails this week from people worried because they have not heard anything in a while...I have a good reason. Because everything has gone so well up to this point, Dr. Bogaev let Mom and Kayde come home Monday thru Wednesday last week for Dad's Birthday! Kayde had to go back to have blood work done on Thursday. They then, somehow, convinced Dr. Bogaev to let them come home for the weekend as well. 

I know most of you would have LOVED to have known that, but being that she is still technically supposed to be under extreme supervision, Dr. Bogaev made it very clear that only family was allowed to see her while she was home. Having said that, while she was here, she had her hair done at William Edge, which seems like a very small thing, but to her, it meant the world! She had gone almost 2 months without truly washing her hair, and ended up cutting it quite a bit shorter than it has been. It looks great! Carter was able to come spend the weekend with her, and he is getting SO big, and is pretty close to walking!! We also got to watch our beloved Aggies BTHO Auburn! 

Mom and Kayde got to meet with Pastor Ray and the Oakwood Church staff on Tuesday before taking Carter back to the ranch with his Grandma and Grandpa Wolf. They then went back to Houston, and had her biopsy procedure done today. As far as Dr. Bogaev can see first hand, everything looks great, and she is very pleased! As long as the results come back as expected on Friday, Kayde will most likely be able to go a month in between future biopsies!!! Lord knows she is ready to quit being poked and cut into. 

Kayde has been such a trooper through EVERYTHING, and she is such an incredible inspiration to every person who has heard or had any connection to her story. The doctors, transplant coordinators, nurses, and other patients at the Texas Heart Institute have beautifully welcomed Kayde into the extremely exclusive fraternity of Transplant Recipients. We could not have asked for a better experience in an unfortunate time.

On another note, Kayde has asked me to have you all continue to pray for Ally. She is still in the hospital, waiting for a donor heart. It has now been about 6 months since she was admitted, and as you can imagine, disappointment just keeps building as time continues to wear on her. She is a very special girl, that even in the midst of her own battle, has been extremely supportive of Kayde. Even when Kayde has received what Ally is still waiting for. God is sure to show his greatness with Ally as he did with Kayde, but please pray that He gives her all of the comfort and strength that she needs in this time. Please pray that God shows her His greatness in the very near future, and gives her the life that she wants to live. I know there are many others in similar situations, and please join me in praying for them as well. Ally has touched us all with her kindness and compassion, and I pray that she soon can join Kayde in life-after-transplant. 

God bless you all. THANK YOU, from the bottom of our hearts, for being a part of our family. 

The History of A Grateful Heart

My name is Kayde (Campbell) Wolf and I grew up in the wonderful town of New Braunfels, Texas. Long story short... My childhood and teenage years were perfect. I had an extremely close and loving family, the best of friends a girl could ask for and a faithful love for the Lord. I never thought any of those relationships could be stronger than they already were, but I realized just how tight Faith, Family and Friends could get when you journey through a Life Changing Experience together.

In December 2010, recently engaged to my extraordinary husband Kevin, I started experiencing trouble breathing when I was sleeping and becoming extremely tired performing the smallest of tasks. I took myself to an Urgent Care Facility, who then sent me immediately to a Cardiologist. After several tests were performed, I was diagnosed with Viral Myocarditis. What the heck is that? I thought the exact same thing. It is described as a "common" virus which would normally give someone symptoms such as the flu, but instead my immune system told it to attack my heart muscle. I found out then that my Ejection Fraction (EF) or heart function was around 18%. My Cardiologist prescribed me several medications to strengthen my heart and after an 18 month battle, my heart healed close to an EF of 56, which is well within the normal functioning range. I was so excited and relieved. I was weaned off the medication and told that I would most likely live without any further issues. I had full faith that was the case, but God had another plan for my life.

In February 2014, anxiously awaiting the birth of our son Carter, I was having a hard time breathing and extremely tired. Any "regular" person at 37 weeks into their first pregnancy would think this was totally normal, but those particular symptoms were far too familiar. It was a cold Sunday morning. The temperature was in the 20s and many roads were iced over, which is rare in Central Texas. Kevin and I made our way to the hospital carefully and called each of our families on the way to tell them  the Scary News that my heart symptoms were back and we were going in for monitoring. The day quickly took a turn for the worse when the Cardiologist explained to us that in fact my heart was failing. Heart Failure... that was a new term to us. The decision was made to take Carter by c-section as soon as they could stabilize me. He was born February 3rd at 9:07 AM. A perfectly healthy boy at 5 pounds, 10 ounces and 20 inches long. My "heart" was filled with pure joy, but in the midst of all the excitement there was still a physical heart failing that needed to be cared for. I had no doubt God was sitting right there with me and my doctors. I began taking the same medications that had healed my heart previously assuming it would send me on the same path to a normal functioning heart. My heart was beginning to heal, but the journey would become a bit more difficult than imagined.

In June 2014, I came down with a normal, every day cold. I quickly realized that my body was not fighting the cold well and the symptoms were becoming worse, including a deep cough. I went to see my family doctor for the cold and explained to him that I just felt "off". I knew it was more than just a cold and he began to run some tests. That evening I was admitted to the hospital with high fluid retention in my chest which was causing my heart to work even harder and therefore weakening it further. After several days I was released, but required to wear a "Life Vest" or external defibrillator just in case my heart weakened enough to go into an abnormal rhythm. I was also referred to a Heart Failure Specialist named Dr. Roberta Bogaev. My Cardiologist did a great job healing my heart the first time, but my case had intensified and I knew Dr. Bogaev was specifically placed in my life by God when she told me that the most important healing factor for my heart was Prayer. She is such a faithful lady and our relationship soon began to grow.

In July 2014, my symptoms were worsening even further. My appetite was non existent and I began to have nausea daily. I called Dr. Bogaev and she called me into the hospital for an invasive test called a Right Heart Catheter. This showed just how bad my heart was actually doing. The muscle was stretched and weakened so far that the valves were not closing properly. My heart was not pumping enough oxygenated blood through my body and my body was starting to compensate for that by shutting down systems such as my digestion. Hence the nausea and lack of appetite. We also found out that I have a birth defect in my heart called LV NonCompaction. Dr. Bogaev explained that this did not cause my heart problems, but that it would prevent my heart from healing itself. This proved ultimately, the only option to continue a full functioning life was begin the process of a Heart Transplant. This was the last possible though in my mind. I am not even 28 years old and I am needing a new heart. Crazy. Dr. Bogaev placed me in ICU with a continuous IV supplying the medication needed to relieve my symptoms. Several days later, on my 28th birthday, I was stable enough on the IV to go home, but it was just a matter of time until the medication quit working.

In August 2014, I began the Heart Transplant Evaluation at the Texas Heart Institute in Houston, Texas. Dr. Bogaev and her colleague, Dr. Simpson began running every test possible including blood work, X-rays, treadmill stress tests, etc. The evaluation process takes you through the physical, emotional and financial side of a transplant within just a couple of days. Needless to say, I was completely exhausted. Kevin, Carter, my Mom, my Dad and my brothers Chas and Clint were all there supporting me. I also had a huge "Team Kayde" behind me from my hometown, my husband's hometown and all over the state, but the most important was God's hand on the entire situation. I felt him there with every test and it gave me an overall peace of mind. After the evaluation was finished, my chart went in front of a "Transplant Board" for final evaluation. I was "Accepted" which mean that my testing proved I was a candidate for a new heart. This was the greatest news ever. I began the "Wait" process at home since I was considered stable, but only a few short weeks later my symptoms began to worsen again.

September 11th, 2014 I was admitted to St Luke's Hospital in Houston awaiting a perfect match. My body compensated as long as it could and Dr. Simpson and Dr. Bogaev decided it was time to be on full monitoring until a new heart was available. This began the new "Wait" process in the hospital.