Tuesday, March 31, 2015

A Grateful 6 Months

March 30 = 6 Months Post Transplant

I can't even begin to describe my emotions today. First off, I wanted to express again my pure joy and appreciation to all of you who have supported and loved me and my family over these months. I am continually overwhelmed by our family and friends and want you to know that I am grateful for every thought and prayer.

March has been a very busy month and I promise I am going to get better about posting more often, but I wanted to update everyone on my medical status. I still travel back and forth to Houston quite often for an antibiotic breathing treatment, lab work and check ups. My last visit was extremely positive and I am blessed to say that I will not be needing another biopsy of my heart until at least the 1 year mark. My results from each biopsy have shown "0" on the rejection markers which is perfect and Dr. Bogaev does not see any reason to continue regular biopsies unless I show any symptoms. Please continue to pray that I do not begin to show any symptoms. Also, after a follow up with Dr. Bogaev, I am starting to wean off several of my medications which is also great news. My body responds easily to the medicine and she doesn't believe I will need all that I am currently taking. I am now down to 7. It still sounds like a lot, but compared to other transplant patients it is rare to be on so few. 

Praise God!

Earlier this month I was honored to be asked to help the Texas Heart Institute(THI) in Heart Disease Awareness. I met with 12 other ladies who have either been diagnosed with different forms of Heart Disease or have received a Heart Transplant like myself. The goal of this forum was to help WomenHeart, which is the National Coalition for Women with Heart Disease, strategize how they can create national awareness on heart disease. It is the #1 cause of death in women and you don't hear about it as often as other types of illnesses. The Texas Heart Institute was one of two facilities asked to take part in this research program and it was extremely enlightening to hear different stories and experiences. The research report will be sent to Capitol Hill later this year. How cool is that? It truly makes you feel like you are giving back and even though I spent only a few hours with these ladies I feel like we all share a special bond and I thank them for helping as well.

Also, the Texas Heart Institute asked if I would share my story on video to help with their direct education and awareness. Apparently, I was pretty chatty and for those of you who know me well it is probably true. One good thing about being long winded though for THI is that they were able to produce several videos to use on their website about my story and about organ donation from a recipient's perspective. I am here today because of an extremely generous person and I will continue to share how grateful I am and how important organ donation is. I had a blast working with the THI crew and thank them for the opportunity to be a part of their team. I provided the link below to the first video which just went live yesterday on their website and also youtube.

Finally, 6 months means that I can write a letter to my donor's family and thank them for the incredible gift. I have spent so many hours thinking about what I am going to write because there is so much that I want to say, but instead of writing and editing over and over I think I will let God take this one and just start with a pen and paper. Pray for my message to be received by this family with peace and gratitude for their loss and that they will want to respond. If not, I completely understand, but I would love the opportunity to maybe one day speak with them or even meet them.

Praise God continually for His Miracles! I know without a Doubt I have received multiple!


P.S. Below are a few recent pictures!

I finally met Dr. Hari Mallidi, who performed my Heart Transplant

Just Because he is so stinking cute

First Aggie Baseball Game with Uncle Clint

Mardi Gras Fun Run 5K
(I walked close to half which is the longest so far)

I love bluebonnets

And so does Carter

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